UIC Program Guidance

The following tables list the technical memorandums, manuals, and guidance documents developed by the UIC program to inform decision-making, clarify issues and questions, and guide UIC program implementation consistent with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the federal UIC regulations.

The documents are subdivided and tabled into 4 catagories. Each document listing includes the title, date of issuance, description, and associated well class (if applicable). The links below will take you to a document page where you can review and download documents from the four categories. You can also use the title links in the tables below to go directly to any single document.

EPA is committed to ensuring that the guidance documents posted here are consistent with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d). Please contact Jeff Jollie (jollie.jeff@epa.gov) if you have any questions or concerns.

The purpose of this guidance document is to describe the technologies, tools, and methods available to owners or operators of Class VI wells to fulfill the Class VI Rule requirements related to developing and implementing site- and project-specific strategies for testing and monitoring. The intended primary audiences of this guidance document are Class VI injection well owners or operators, contractors performing testing and monitoring activities, and UIC Program Directors.

UIC Program Guidance Applicable to All Programs
Title Date of Issuance Description
An Introduction to the Technology of Subsurface Water Injection Dec-77 This is a technical document for use by all involved in the planning, design, construction, operation, and abandonment of injection wells. It is intended as a guide and standard for injection well construction and maintenance.
Aquifer Designation and Studies 26-Oct-1979 This document is intended to use to assist primacy application reviewers and identifies acceptable work plan elements for identifying and characterizing aquifers.
Acceptable State UIC Program Work Elements for Public Participation and Information 15-Sep-1980 This document is intended to be used by primacy application reviewers and identifies acceptable public participation program elements.
Memorandum of Agreement for the UIC Program 8-May-1981 This guidance provides the basic requirements and format for developing a memorandum of agreement which will be endorsed by the State director of the UIC program and the Regional Administrator.
Definition of Major Facilities 15-May-1981 The purpose of this guidance is to define which facilities should be classified as major for the purpose of reporting and permitting in the UIC program
Changes to Construction Plans Occurring During the Drilling of a Well 27-Jul-1981 The purpose of this guidance is to define how permitting authorities should handle approval of changes to construction plans which may occur during the drilling of a well.
Corrective Action Requirements 27-Jul-1981 The purpose of this guidance is to clarify meanings of sections 146.07 and 144.55 related to corrective action.
Requirements applicable to wells injecting into, through or above an aquifer which has been exempted pursuant to Section 146.04 (b)(4) 27-Jul-1981 Intended to provide clarification on the applicability of section 122.43 to aquifers that have been exempted because they are subject to catastrophic collapse.
Procedure for Review State Primacy Application 31-Jul-1981 This guidance document outlines general procedures to guide the state primacy application review process.
Attorney General's Statement 31-Jul-1981 This guidance provides a listing of all the elements considered necessary to demonstrate that the laws of the Stated that seeks to administer a UIC program provide adequate authority to carry out the program as described in the federal UIC regulations.
Recurring Problems in State UIC Applications 9-Mar-82 The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the major recurring problems encountered in review of draft and final state UIC primacy applications.
Guidance Document on Mechanical Integrity Testing of Injection Wells 30-Apr-1982 This guidance addresses making a determination of Part I of Mechanical Integrity (no leaks in the tubing, casing or packer.
Guidance for Determining Adequacy of State UIC Program Elements 15-Sep-82 This memorandum is a follow-up to the March 9, 1982 memo from Victor Kim. Additional primacy review issues are identified, and Agency position clarified.
Appropriate Classification and Regulatory Treatment of Experimental Technologies 31-May-1983 This guidance refers to experimental Class V wells and clarifies the policy that some technologies should revert to their original class when the technology becomes commercially feasible, while others will remain in Class V solely because they meet the general definition of an experimental technology.
Consolidation of Permitting Procedures for Multiple Wells 31-May-1983 This guidance clarifies the extent to which the individual permitting of multiple wells can be consolidated in a single permitting action.
Interim Guidance for Overview of the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program 17-Jun-1983 This document outlines procedures and criteria for effective overview of the UIC program. These procedures may be used by regional programs as they oversee state programs or by HQ for overview of the regional programs.
Guidance for UIC Implementation of Indian Lands - Part I Public Notification and Hearing Schedule 3-Oct-1983 This document provides information on how, when, and where public hearings should be held on Indian land and emphasizes the importance of consultation between the regional offices and tribal governments.
Guidance for Review and Approval of State Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program and Revisions to Approved State Programs 9-Jul-1984 This document provides guidance to EPA regional offices on the revised process for the approval of state primacy applications and the process for approving modifications in delegated programs, including aquifer exemptions.
Regulation Interpretation Related to Proper Completions and Proper Plugging and Abandonment 31-Jul-84 Provides a response to questions asked by regional UIC program directors related to proper completion and proper plugging and abandonment.
Guidance Document for the Area of Review Requirement May-85 This technical document provides guidance on selecting the appropriate method for analyzing the area of review
Guidance for Financial Assurance for Administered UIC Programs 29-May-1985 The financial assurance guidance provides flexible criteria to be used by the regions to determine the adequacy of financial responsibility mechanisms provided by the owners and operators to cover plugging and abandonment costs of Class I (non-hazardous, II and III wells.
Interim Guidance for the Preparation of QA Project Plans for Chemical Tests in the UIC Program 2-Aug-1985 This guidance for Phase I chemical tests will help UIC programs prepare UIC QA project plans for chemical tests in UIC program.
Guidance Document on Evaluation of Injection Well Manifold Monitoring Systems 1-Nov-85 This document is a technical guidance and ancillary criteria to enable EPA personnel to evaluate the effectiveness of injection well manifold monitoring system proposals in meeting the regulatory requirements.
Final Technical Manual Injection Well Abandonment Nov-85 The purpose of this document is to provide technical assistance to regulators in reviewing proposed well abandonment plans.
Compliance with 3004U and 3005E of RCRA 9-Jan-86 Memo from EPA's Director of state programs to regional water supply branch chiefs requesting regional programs determine the compliance status of each Class I hazardous waste well in the region, based on 1984 RCRA requirements.
UIC Permit Appeals Procedures 21-Apr-1986 This memorandum is intended to provide a description of the procedure which will be used for appeals of UIC permits for states with DI UIC programs.
Corrosion Its Detection and Control in Injection Wells Aug-87 This is a technical document that summarizes information on the occurrence, detection, and control of corrosion.
Application and Calibration of Pressure Instruments Flowmeters and Flow control Devices as Applied to Injection Wells Sep-87 This document was prepared to introduce the basic concepts of flow and pressure metering in inject wells. Intended audiences include EPA regulators, state regulators, and the regulated community.
Procedure for Interpreting Whether or Not a MIT Failure or Excess Injection Pressure is Reporting as Significant Non-Compliance 9-Sep-1987 This document identifies the review and approval process for any state, industry, or well owner/operator requesting alternate methods to prove injection well mechanical integrity.
Survey of Methods to Determine Total Dissolved Solids Concentration Sep-88 The purpose of this document is to survey the techniques used to identify USDWs via TDS concentration determination.
Annual Compliance Review of Wells Permitted or Authorized-by-Rule Under the UIC Program Guidance 23-Feb-1989 This guidance describes the elements of a complete compliance determination review which differ from class to class and gives suggestions on the frequency and timing of the reviews.
Cementing for The Plugging and Abandonment of Injection Well Sep-89 This is a technical document presenting cementing practices for the permanent plugging and abandonment of injection wells. The document was prepared as part of the mid-course evaluation.
Final Guidance on Emergency Authority Under Section 1431 of SDWA 27-Sep-1991 This guidance is intended to emphasize that SDWA Section 1431 has broad application and provides EPA with an effective tool for handling public health endangerments concerning public water supplies and USDWs.
Assistance on Compliance of 40 CFR Part 191 with Ground Water Protection Standards 4-Jun-93 Preliminary information is provided to the OAR regarding the definition of USDW and identifying TDS testing methods.
Interim Final UIC Program Judicial and Administrative Order Settlement Penalty Policy 27-Sep-1993 This document sets forth the Agency's policy for establishing appropriate civil judicial and administrative settlement penalties in the UIC Program.
Temperature Radioactive Tracer and Noise Logging for Well Integrity Jul-94 This document presents a discussion of three tools that can be used for determining the mechanical integrity of injection wells.
UIC Well Classification Guidance
Title Date of Issuance Description UIC Well Class (I, II, III, V, VI, and General)
Reinjection of Water Produced in the Recovery Oil form Storage Field - Region 5 and State of Illinois 31-May-84 Clarification on when the injection of waste from pipeline transported natural gas is classified as Class I non-hazardous and injected below the lowermost USDW. I
Classification of Disposal Wells Injection Brine Containing NaNO3 - Region 8 31-May-84 Clarification from HQ to Region 8 indicating the Shell CO2 project in CO. The processed waste water from a CO2 production well is a Class I non-hazardous waste injection well injecting below the lowermost USDW. I
Classification of McElmo Dome Disposal Wells - Region 8 5-Apr-85 Provides Agency concurrence for the classification of two injection wells used to inject wastes from Shell Western McElmo Dome field in CO as Class I non-hazardous. I
Wells Used to Inject Spent SULFA-CHECK Slurry 2-May-86 Provides justification for classification as Class II. I
Classification of Wells Used to Injection Air Scrubber Waste or Water Softener Regeneration Brine Associated with Oil Field Operations 31-Jul-87 Identifies (aside from enhanced recovery operations) the four kinds of fluid that may be injected into Class II wells and indicates that state UIC program directors determine if a fluid falls into one of the four categories. II
Response to Comment - Nitrogen Injection Well Permits Amoco Production Company - Region 8 1991 Responsiveness Summary addressing public comments received on EPA; s intent to issue four UIC permits and single AE for AMOCO's Nitrogen Injection Pilot Project in La Plata County, CO. II
Classification of Experimental Nahcolite Solution Mining Wells of Industrial Resources, Inc. in Region 8 31-May-84 Policy statement indicating that the solution mining wells used in the operation proposed by AmerAlia belong in the Class II injection well category. III
Concurrence on the Classification of Wells in an In Situ Nahcolite Leaching Filed in Colorado - AmerAlia, Inc. - Region 8 5-Oct-99 Provides HQ concurrence on classification of two experimental wells proposed by Industrial Resources, as Class V experimental. Upon commercial operation, they would become Class III. III
Classification of Wells Injecting Treated Stream Form Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant 31-May-84 Classification of wells injecting secondary effluent as Class V wells. Presuming that the stream does not contain any hazardous waste not removed by the treatment process, the wells are Class I in when they inject below the lowermost USDW, and Class V if they inject into above a USDW. V
Classification of the West Sak Pilot Area, West Sak, AK - Region 10 17-Aug-84 Provides HQ concurrence on a proposed classification of Class V experimental wells proposed by Arco Alaska, INC. Upon commercial operation, they should be reclassified as Class II. V
Classification of Heating /Air Conditioning Return Flow Systems - Region 4 15-Jan-85 Response to a Region 4 request for clarification on the classification of a certain non-contact cooling/water heat exchange system. If properly constructed and maintained the system would not meet the definition of Class V well. V
Conflicting Regulation on Infiltration Galleries by the Office of Ground Water and Drinking water and the Office of Solid Waste 29-Jul-91 Recommends UIC regulations be clarified to the extent necessary to indicate that leach fields, septic systems with leach fields/drain fields, and infiltration galleries are injection wells. V
Classification of Infiltration Galleries Under the UIC and RCRA Programs 4-Feb-92 The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarification as to which type of infiltration galleries may be classified as injection wells V
Classification of Septic System Drain Fields and Infiltration Galleries as Underground Injection Wells 4-Feb-92 The purpose of this guidance is to provide clarification as to which type of infiltration galleries may be classified as injection wells. V
Requirements for Inventory of Class V Septic Systems 8-Jan-87 In view of limitations in time and resources associated with the inventory of septic systems. Prioritizes is given to only those septic systems connected to commercial or public enterprise. Domestic systems become a lower priority. V
Cathodic Protection Wells Memo - Region 8 18-Jul-86 Policy statement indicating that cathodic protection systems are not covered by the UIC program. General
UIC Program Clarifying Memoranda
Title Date of Issuance Description UIC Well Class (I, II, III, V, VI, and General)
Memo from Bill Diamond to R6: Interpretation of Cementing Requirements in 40 CFR 146.64 for Class I Injection Wells 2-Dec-02 Memorandum provides clarification of HQ interpretation of the construction regulations for Class I injection wells referenced in 40 CFR 146.65. I
Bill Diamond Memo: Revisions to Standby Trust Agreements in Class II Federally-Administered UIC programs 20-Oct-03 Standby Trust Agreements in Class II Federally-Administered UIC programs have been revised to conform to the requirements of the Federal Miscellaneous Receipts Act. II
Assistance on Compliance of 40 CFR Part 191 Ground Water Protection Standards 4-Jun-93 This guidance is intended to assist owners and operators with UIC injection requirements to ensure compliance with 40 CFR 191. I
Marysville Underground Storage Terminal Request for Exclusion from UIC Regulations to Region 5 - letter only 2-Feb-94 Letter from Francoise Brasier (HQ) to Reichard Zdanowicz (R5) indicating the Marysville Underground Storage Terminal qualifies for an exclusion from the UIC regulations listed in 40 CFR 144.1 (g)(2)(iv) V
Letter to Williams Energy on RCRA EP Waste (Region 8) 8-Jan-98 Letter from Dave Hogle to Williams Energy Group establishing Agency position on E&P exemptions under RCRA. V
Well Classification for Two Propane Storage Wells Located in Painesville, OH (Region 5) 1-Jun-98 Memo provides Region 5 concurrence that the two propane storage wells in Painesville, OH are excluded from UIC requirements V
Additional Guidance for the Update and Codification of Part 147 27-Jul-98 The purpose of this document is to provide additional guidance on the update and codification of Part 147. It also requests a commitment by the regions to update and provide information to HQ for codification by or before the end of a specific calendar year. V
Roy Simon Memo: Integration of Underground Injection (Class V) and Source Water Assessment and Protection Program 28-Jan-04 Memorandum to regional UIC and Source Water Programs identifying links between UIC Class V wells and common potential source of contamination found during source water assessments. The memorandum identifies opportunities for leveraging resources to protect underground source of drinking water. V
Memo: Clarification on which stormwater infiltration practices/technologies have the potential to be regulated as “Class V” wells by the Underground Injection Control Program 13-Jun-08 Memo clarifies stormwater infiltration practices regulated as UIC Class V wells. Memo includes a Class V well identification guide. V
Steve Heare Memo: Clarification of Status of Individual or Single-Family Waste Disposal Systems Regulatory Exclusion 5-Oct-09 Memo clarifies that individual or single-family waste disposal systems excluded under 144.1 (g)(2)(ii) include wells that accept residential waste from one individual or single-family residence. Such residential waste disposal wells at an individual or single-family residence include (1) heat pump and /air conditioning return flow wells (2) geothermal wells, (3) residential storm water drainage wells, and (4) residential swimming pool drainage wells as long as the waste disposal systems serve only one individual or single-family residence. V
National UIC Program Docket Control Number D 01079: Statement of Basis and Purpose: Underground Injection Control Regulations 1-May-1980 This document is intended to summarize the basis and purpose underlying the UIC regulations promulgated in 40 CFR Part 146. General
Financial Responsibility for Well Plugging and Abandonment Mar-83 The purpose of this manual is to assist each well owner and operator in determining which financial responsibility best meets his or her needs General
Policy on Civil Penalties (not UIC-specific) (GM -21) Feb-84 The document establishes a single set of goals for penalty assessment in EPA administrative and judicial enforcement actions. General
Administrative Order Issuance Guidance: Part II UIC Nov-86 Administrative order guidance clarifying the relationship between PWSS and UIC inspections associated with issuing Administrative Orders. General
Michael Cook Memo: UIC Program Definition of significant Noncompliance 4-Dec-86 Clarifies the definition of significant non-compliance and identifies criteria for endangerment determinations. General
Michael Cook Memo: Ground-Water Protection Policy Pertaining to Underground Injection Control and Related Aspects of the High Plains Aquifer Recharge Demonstration Program 26-Jan-89 This memorandum clarifies EPA's responsibilities in two general areas as they pertain to the High Plains States' Ground-Water Recharge Demonstration Program Act General
Michael Cook Memo: Clarification of Procedures for Determining Significant non-compliance Addendum to UIC Program Guidance #58 4-Feb-90 Guidance clarifying that an MIT failure should be considered a SNC in the absence of information showing that a USDW could not be endangered General
Connie Bosma Memo: Statement of Fluid Movement 15-Sep-98 This memo provides a summary and restatement of all federal regulations that are relevant to fluid movement as they relate to Class I activities. No new guidance intended. General
EPA Action Development Process Administrative Records Guidance Sep-11 This document describes EPA’s practices for compiling administrative records for use in litigation challenging EPA decisions. General