12 Laws of the Universe & Applying Them IRL

Cloudy night sky and stars

Judging by the sales of Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book, The Secret, and the number of posts, views, and related hashtags used across social media, the Law of Attraction is unquestionably the most well-known of the 12 Laws of the Universe.

The universal laws propose that our entire existence is governed by 12 principles that are as constant and reliable as you would consider the laws of physics to be.

The laws work in harmony and influence various aspects of our lives and the wider universe. They provide guidance in understanding the mechanics of the universe, influencing everything from our personal growth to our interactions with the world around us.

It’s unclear exactly what the origins of the 12 Laws are but they are believed to have their roots in ancient wisdom and philosophies.

One thing we do know is that they are recognized across various cultures and understanding them is the key to unlocking a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

1) Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Devine Oneness declares that everything in the universe is interconnected. That our individual energy is not isolated but part of a much greater cosmic ecosystem.

To put it another way, the perception that we exist in the real world as distinct and separate entities is an illusion. We are intrinsically linked to the universe; so much so that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are intertwined with the fabric of existence.

Because everything and everyone is interrelated, an individual’s actions, utterances, beliefs, emotions, thoughts, and choices, have a direct or knock-on effect on others and the wider world.

In terms of the noticeable impact, the effects of these occurrences might be straightforward and instant. But they might also be more complex and take a while to make an impact. Sometimes, the effects are so subtle as to hardly be obvious at all.

In terms of someone trying to manifest something into their life, this Law is important in relation to the idea of alignment. Because of the interdependence between entities, things must align for successful manifestation to occur, which can take some time.

2) Law of Vibration

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy. And this Law states that everything in the universe has a unique energy vibration, or frequency – from physical atoms and molecules to planets and galaxies, to everyday objects such as a car or iPad, to things on a more personal level such as thoughts, emotions, and actions. The result is that our experiences and realities are shaped by the frequency of these vibrations.

The Law of Vibration plays a key role in manifestation when combined with the Law of Attraction. Because the magic happens when your own vibration matches that of the thing you desire.

So, by consciously raising our vibrations through positive thoughts, emotions, and actions, we can attract like energy and manifest desired things, experiences, people, and circumstances.

On the flip side, negative thoughts or emotions can lower our frequency. Not only making it more difficult to attract positive experiences into our lives but drawing negative ones to us instead.

3) Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence relates to the relationship between our internal states and the external world. Patterns repeat throughout the universe, and our personal experiences reflect larger, universal truths. And vice versa.

Our inner world — thoughts, emotions, and beliefs — mirrors the outer world we experience. Consider how a positive mindset often leads to positive outcomes, and vice versa, that’s the Law of Correspondence at work. By changing our internal attitudes, we have the power to alter our external circumstances.

Pay attention to patterns and synchronicities. By understanding them in different aspects of our lives, we can gain valuable insights and make conscious choices for growth and transformation. If, for example, you keep encountering the same bad situations or people in your life, it could be a sign that you need to address an underlying issue within yourself. Conversely, if life is moving along swimmingly, your vibration is very much in alignment.

The Law of Correspondence is a reminder that we are not separate from the Universe but rather interconnected with it. The micro level refers to our immediate life, while the macro relates to the broader expanse of the Universe.

Our thoughts and actions can have a ripple effect on the world around us. It’s also a reminder of our personal power, that we can change our life experiences by changing our inner world.

4) Law of Attraction

Suggesting that our thoughts have the capacity to directly influence what we attract into our lives, this law emphasizes the power of the mind in creating our reality.

“Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.”

– Bob Proctor

Our thoughts are more than simply a passive reflection of our consciousness; they are actively shaping our reality. This also applies to our subconscious thoughts.

As the Law of Vibration describes, all things are made up of energy. But it’s the way in which that energy is organized that defines the difference between all things. Everything vibrates at a certain frequency and what we consistently think and believe can draw in like energy, bringing desires into tangible experiences or outcomes. Put simply, like attracts like.

5) Law of Inspired Action

To manifest successfully, the Law of Inspired Action requires that decisive steps are taken, guided by our inner intuition and in alignment with our deepest desires. By combining intention with inspired action, we can overcome obstacles, maintain momentum, and bring our desires to fruition.

Using the Law of Attraction has three parts: Ask, Believe, Receive. Inspired action is all about the latter. On the difference between action and inspired action:

“Inspired action is when you’re acting to receive. If you are in action to try and make it happen, you have slipped backward. Inspired action is effortless and it feels wonderful because you are on the frequency of receiving.”

– Rhonda Byrne

Inspired action is driven by a sense of knowing and having trust in Universe’s guidance.

Let’s say you’re looking to take the next step in your career. You’re actively searching for jobs that would be the logical next progression from where you are now, believing that this is the best way to achieve fulfillment and a bigger paycheck. On the flip side, your intuition, or inner knowing, is urging you to take a sidestep into a related, but new type of role that would offer slightly less pay in the short term, but would lead to a higher salary and a more satisfying career path in the long term.

On the one hand, you want upwards progression in your career because that’s what you think is expected of you, but making that career sidestep is an example of inspired action, as it comes from a place of intuition – just knowing from within that it’s the right thing to do.

6) Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This law is all about possibilities and change. It proposes that energy is in a constant state of motion, always shifting and changing form.

It’s based on the understanding that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. And that goes for the energy that’s within each of us and outside.

As our thoughts and feelings have the potential to manifest into our reality. High-frequency energy, such as positive thoughts and emotions, can initiate the transmutation of energy in our lives to better experiences and outcomes. And vice versa.

So, as empowered creators, by changing the energy that each of us projects into the world, we can change our life experience.

7) Law of Cause and Effect

As simple and straightforward as it sounds – for every thought, word, or action (cause), there is a corresponding reaction (effect). This can be good or bad, or anywhere in-between.

Another way to think about it, is that our past actions lay the groundwork for our future. The energy we put out there, will come back to us at some point.

The effect may be immediate, or it might manifest over time, coming to fruition only when the conditions are right.

We often like to think about the karmic effects of an act of kindness we perform. That it will come back to us in some positive way. But also, be mindful of the energy that’s generated by negative thinking such as anger, bitterness, self-criticism, or envy, which will come back around.

8) Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation suggests the actions and energies we put out into the Universe return to us. In other words, we reap what we sow.

It’s important to bear in mind that the compensation can be anywhere on the scale of positive to negative, depending on what you’re putting out into the Universe. It reflects what a lot of people understand about the process of manifestation, although it differs from the Law of Attraction because compensation can come from the Universe in unexpected forms.

Let’s say you apply for a job but were not truthful on your resume, taking credit for achievements that weren’t your own. Perhaps you get the job and believe you’ve manifested successfully. But the job goes terribly, and you end up having to resign or worse, are fired.

To make the most of this law, offer gratitude, positivity, kindness, and support to others. Be mindful of your actions, live life with integrity, and the Universe will compensate accordingly.

9) Law of Polarity

This law posits that everything has an opposite. In other words, for anything to exist, its opposite must also be present. So, for every action, emotion, or situation, there is an equally opposite one.

Some examples are:

Ups and downs are part of life. Going through a difficult time – be it a relationship, health, financial, job related – will help you to feel gratitude when things eventually start to go well. Grateful for the new and positive things in your life, but also grateful for what you’ve learned from the challenging times.

“Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.”

– Roy T. Bennett

For those that understand this law, it should bring hope. Because for the negative things they are experiencing to exist, the positive must be out there. When we encounter conflicts, difficulties, or barriers, we should remember that there’s often an alternative force that can be accessed to overcome.

“Remind thyself, in the darkest moments, that every failure is only a step toward success, every detection of what is false directs you toward what is true, every trial exhausts some tempting form of error, and every adversity will only hide, for a time, your path to peace and fulfillment.”

– Og Mandino

Ultimately, it’s not about eliminating opposites, but instead about experiencing the full spectrum that life presents. Things can’t be great all the time. The failures, the rejections, the tough times, all help us to nurture important qualities such as the ability to show empathy and can fuel periods of personal growth.

10) Law of Rhythm

This law maintains that everything has a natural rhythm. Nothing is static and moves in cycles.

There are 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a year. And much like the seasons, our lives too reflect this progression from one state to another, such as the way our circadian rhythms dictate when we’re awake or sleeping.

In terms of life progression… You might be experiencing tough times, having to draw on every ounce of resilience you can find. But this might simply be a phase. Be grateful for the life lesson that’s made you stronger. It might well be equipping you for the next cycle in your life journey, which happens to be a more prosperous one. Then enjoy that cycle while it lasts.

Flow with these natural progressions, rather than resisting them. A period of challenge may be followed by a time of renewal. It’s just the rhythm of life.

Feeling rundown and tired? Perhaps it might be a good idea to follow your own rhythm and take some time out to rest and recharge, rather than keep going.

Knowing this can also help all of us maintain perspective, to not despair in the bad times or become too complacent in the good.

11) Law of Gender

We all contain both masculine and feminine energies, which are engaged in a constant dance of balance and creation within us.

A couple of points before we get into this law:

Masculine energy is often associated with qualities such as logic, structure, action, and assertiveness. On the other hand, feminine energy is linked to intuition, nurturing, compassion, and receptivity.

The two energies are complementary and essential for our wellbeing, personal growth, and accomplishment. The key is to avoid an excess or deficit of either, and instead find the right balance to live our best lives.

12) Law of Relativity

Despite our inclination to compare, judge or evaluate things in our lives, everything is in fact neutral.

Things only become good/bad, positive/negative etc. when we compare a thing (experiences, events, situations, people etc.) with something else that we’re aware of in our world.

It all comes down to perception because everything in life is relative. These experiences are as significant, good, bad, important, or problematic as we perceive them to be.

Two people can have the same or similar experience and have differing views.

Viewing things relatively reminds us to be aware of the wider world and other people’s situations. So that perhaps a particular situation isn’t as good or bad as we might perceive it to be.

For example, I can find myself feeling frustrated because my four and seven year old children are incredibly fussy eaters, whereas someone somewhere can barely afford to feed their children at all. I should be grateful that I can provide food options and that they’re eating anything at all.

You might be disappointed with your lot in life – not enough income and a big enough property. But your circle of friends would be considered unusually affluent compared to the wider population. In shifting your perspective to account for those less well off, you might instead start to feel and express gratitude for you do have.

By shifting our perspective, it can help us to navigate what we might perceive to be adverse, disappointing, or unfair situations and keep a sensible perspective on reality.

Another way to look at things is this – all of us will encounter situations, challenges, and problems in life. These can be considered tests and opportunities for us to adapt to and overcome. To raise our vibration to a higher level through practices such as gratitude. The result being that we grow and evolve into something better.

While these challenges can seem frustrating and tough to bear at times, they are an inevitable part of life.