EGW Writings book list

For a comprehensive list of all Ellen G. White publication titles, see Bibliography.

For a complete listing of abbreviations for Ellen G. White Books and Major Church Papers, see Abbreviations.

For a complete listing of eBooks (PDF, ePub, Kindle) and Audiobooks (mp3) see EGW Books.

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AA - The Acts of the Apostles , 1911. 633 pp. Lessons drawn from the experiences and writings of the apostles. Study guide available.
AH - The Adventist Home , 1952. 550 pp. Instruction relating to marriage, the home, and care and rearing of the family.
ApM - An Appeal to Mothers , 1864. 63 pp. This book was the first Ellen G. White writing in the field of health after the vision of June 6, 1863. It depicts the perils of secret vice. It was reprinted by James White in 1870 in the book, A Solemn Appeal Relative to Solitary Vice and the Abuses and Excesses of the Marriage Relation. It is also paralleled in the Testimonies, and was drawn from heavily for Child Guidance in the section “Preserving Moral Integrity.”
AY - An Appeal to the Youth , 1864. 80 pp. An Appeal to the Youth is a collection of letters written by Ellen White to her children, prior to the death of her eldest son, Henry, at the age of 16. These letters are an excerpt from the complete publication, which originally included Uriah Smith's address at Henry White's funeral, as well as text from other authors
CME - A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education , 1933. 47 pp. In these last days of earth's history, those who meet the medical needs of others will have the door opened to meet spiritual needs as well. Christ Himself "went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil." His healing was not only physical, but spiritual as well.This exceptional book by Ellen White is a call to-the church and to individuals-help others with medical and spiritual needs. When we follow this counsel, we are heeding the advice of Isaiah 58, which outlines our responsibility to help those who are sick and needy. This is the true service that God wants from us, and that is so powerfully called for in this timeless book.
CSA - A Call To Stand Apart , 2002. 70 pp. The original source material for modern English book-A Call to Stand Apart.
CG - Child Guidance , 1954. 569 pp. Child care, training, and education.
CIHS - Christ in His Sanctuary , 1969. 128 pp. The sanctuary in heaven is the very center of Christ's work in behalf of men. It concerns every soul living upon the earth. It opens to view the plan of redemption, bringing us down to the very close of time and revealing the triumphant issue of the contest between righteousness and sin. It is of the utmost importance that all should thoroughly investigate these subjects and be able to give an answer to everyone that asketh them a reason of the hope that is in them.-Ellen G. White
COL - Christ's Object Lessons , 1900. 421 pp. The parables of Jesus and their lessons.
CTr - Christ Triumphant , 1999. 372 pp. Devotional book for 2000.
CE - Christian Education , 1894. 248 pp. The articles included in this book are presented without abridgement and are arranged chronologically. Most of the articles do not appear in other published volumes.
CET - Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White , 1922. 260 pp. Introduces the life and teachings of Ellen White.
ChL - Christian Leadership , 1985. 77 pp. This compilation of statements regarding organization and co-working within the church was originally produced as a handbook for gospel workers. The counsel contained gives insight and guidance for the work of both ministers and laymen. Practical topics touch on issues such as management and business practices, cooperation among the brethren, and the important foundation of personal piety.
ChS - Christian Service , 1925. 275 pp. How individuals and churches can be more effective in Christian service and winning souls to Christ.
CTBH - Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene , 1890. 162 pp. One of the earliest compilations of Ellen White's writings, this book was put together under her supervision and careful examination. Previously-published and unpublished texts on the topic of health form the foundation of Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, with emphasis on simple, practical, healthful Christianity. Themes include parental training, home influences, diet and temperance, and our duty in social relationships. Touching every aspect of life, this book gives much-needed guidance for all.
CEv - The Colporteur Evangelist , 1920. 103 pp. This compilation of statements regarding the canvassing work highlights the importance of the publishing ministry, the need for the literature to be carried to the world, and the qualifications needed in colporteur evangelism. The content of this publication was reprinted in the book Colporteur Ministry, and provides an excellent handbook for anyone involved in the distribution of literature—whether full-time or as a layperson.
CM - Colporteur Ministry , 1953. 155 pp. A handbook for literature evangelists.
CC - Conflict and Courage , 1970. 371 pp. Devotional book for 1971.
Con - Confrontation , 1971. 93 pp. Ellen White's most complete treatment of Christ's temptation in the wilderness. Published as a series of articles in the Review and Herald in 1874 and 1875.
CCh - Counsels for the Church , 1991. 359 pp. The best of Ellen White's instruction on Christian living, the home, health, and the coming conflict, brought together in one volume.
CD - Counsels on Diet and Foods , 1938. 498 pp. A reference book of Ellen White's counsels on how one's diet relates to healthful living.
CH - Counsels on Health , 1923. 634 pp. Counsels on diet, physical activity, sanitariums, physicians, nurses, and health principles.
CSW - Counsels on Sabbath School Work , 1938. 186 pp. Topically arranged counsel for those involved in Sabbath School work.
CS - Counsels on Stewardship , 1940. 351 pp. Presents the philosophy and principles involved in the Christian's relationship to money and property.
CT - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students , 1913. 556 pp. Counsels on higher education, home schools, church schools, study and labor, the teacher, recreation etc.
CW - Counsels to Writers and Editors , 1946. 181 pp. Principles of Christian book and periodical editing.
CL - Country Living , 1946. 32 pp. Instruction on the advantages of a rural environment.
DD - Darkness Before Dawn , 1997. 62 pp. Information about where our world is headed.
DG - Daughters of God , 1998. 275 pp. Compilation of messages especially for women.
DA - The Desire of Ages , 1898. 835 pp. A presentation of the life and ministry of our Lord, with spiritual application for today.
EW - Early Writings , 1882. 304 pp. Ellen White's first book, initially published in 1851, 1854, and 1858.
Ed - Education , 1903. 309 pp. Biblical principles of Christian education designed for parents and teachers.
Ev - Evangelism , 1946. 707 pp. A handbook for personal and public evangelism.
FW - Faith and Works , 1979. 122 pp. Nineteen Ellen White sermons and articles on the subject of righteousness by faith.
FLB - The Faith I Live By , 1958. 371 pp. Devotional book for 1959.
EP - From Eternity Past , 1983. 551 pp. Focusing on the time from creation until the last days of King David, this condensed version of Patriarchs and Prophets delves into the origins of the great controversy between God and Satan, chronicles the battle as it transferred to Earth, and illustrates how God's faithful people have fought the good fight of faith through the ages. As the first of a five-part series, From Eternity Past describes the historical foundation for what we see in our world today and gives principles on how to take a stand for truth even in our day. And in it all, we see that “God is Love.”
HLv - From Heaven With Love , 1984. 556 pp. The life of Jesus, His methods of teaching and working, His great sacrifice and love for fallen humanity. These are the themes which all of heaven delights to contemplate, and which bring the greatest joy to God's children. In lively language, and with deep lessons for our lives today, From Heaven With Love (a condensed version of The Desire of Ages) brings the reader face to face with their Saviour—the Lord of heaven, who became one of us for our redemption.
HF - From Here to Forever , 1982. 420 pp. The love and character of God has been put in question since the fall of Lucifer, who has spent millennia warring against the Lord and His faithful subjects. In this condensed version of The Great Controversy, the conflict is shown in the history of the first martyrs, the persecution of the Dark Ages, the subtle attacks in our “enlightened time,” and through prophetic views of the great final battle. Scripture declares that God's people will be victorious “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” In their every act, word, and thought, they will express their faith and assurance that “God is Love.”
SS - From Splendor to Shadow , 1984. 377 pp. As part of the Conflict of the Ages series, Prophets and Kings stands out in its narration of both the ups and downs of God's people. From Israel's greatness under Solomon's reign, to her downfall during the Babylonian captivity, and the subsequent history up to the time of Christ, God always had His faithful few who stood for truth in every circumstance. From Splendor to Shadow is a condensed version of these fascinating experiences, and details the lives of so many godly men and women who have gone before us.
FH - From the Heart , 2010. 377 pp. Devotional book for 2011.
TT - From Trials to Triumph , 1984. 314 pp. In the power of the Early Rain, the first apostles took the gospel to all ends of the known world. But they were not met without resistance. In this condensed version of The Acts of the Apostles, the reader travels with the early believers as they preached the message of Christ in their home country and in heathen lands, experiencing terrible defeat and wonderful triumph. Their experience is a foretaste of our work under the power of the Holy Spirit in our day.
FE - Fundamentals of Christian Education , 1923. 549 pp. Seventy-four articles, arranged chronologically from 1872 to 1915.
AG - God's Amazing Grace , 1973. 373 pp. Devotional book for 1974.
GRC - God's Remnant Church (The Remnant Church) , 1950. 63 pp.
GW92 - Gospel Workers 1892 , 1892. 471 pp. This is a revised and enlarged compilation from the writings of Ellen G. White. It has become a highly prized handbook of counsel and instruction to ministers and to all other missionary workers connected with the Seventh-day Adventist movement.
GW - Gospel Workers 1915 , 1915. 520 pp. This is a revised and enlarged compilation from the writings of Ellen G. White. It has become a highly prized handbook of counsel and instruction to ministers and to all other missionary workers connected with the Seventh-day Adventist movement.
GC88 - The Great Controversy 1888 , 1888. 691 pp. Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.
GC - The Great Controversy , 1911. 694 pp. Volume 5 of the Conflict of the Ages series carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.
GrH_c - The Great Hope (Condensed) , 2012. 56 pp.
HFM - The Health Food Ministry , 1970. 95 pp. This publication was compiled to form a comprehensive collection of Ellen White's statements regarding food production and distribution as part of the evangelistic work. Emphasis is placed on the use of the health food work as a way to win souls. The included counsels give encouragement—as well as warnings against dangers and misconceptions in the work—in order to ensure that this part of the right arm work remains in the right relation to the body of Christ.
HL - Healthful Living , 1897. 307 pp. Compiled from the writings of Ellen G. White by Dr. David Paulson, Healthful Living sets forth in topically-arranged excerpts, “in the most concise and condensed form possible the various teachings upon the subjects of health, health reform and allied matters which are to be found in the writing of Mrs. E. G. White.”Topics in this volume include physiology of the body, proper diet and habits, treatment of disease, and the work of medical missionaries.
Hvn - Heaven , 2003. 192 pp. Choice quotations about heaven and the new earth.
HDL - Help In Daily Living , 1957. 64 pp. From The Ministry of Healing.
HS - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists , 1886. 294 pp. The E. G. White portion of this book includes her “Notes of Travel,” tracing her journey from California to Europe and her account of the first of her three visits to many of the European countries, drawn largely from her reports published in The Review and Herald. Also contained are thirteen “Practical Addresses,” given at the councils attended in September, 1885, and three concluding chapters presenting an “Appeal for Our Missions.”
HB - Homeward Bound , 2015. 396 pp.
HP - In Heavenly Places , 1967. 372 pp. Devotional book for 1968.
LDE - Last Day Events , 1992. 306 pp. Instruction regarding the end time.
LYL - Letters to Young Lovers , 1983. 90 pp. Letters to young people who are contemplating marriage.
LS - Life Sketches of Ellen G. White , 1915. 480 pp. An autobiography of Ellen White's life to 1881. The sketch of her subsequent labors (pp 255-480) was prepared by C. C. Crisler.
LS80 - Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1880 , 1880. 324 pp. This publication includes chapters written by Ellen White regarding her early life and work. The autobiographical portion chronicles the progress of the Advent movement in the 1840s and 1850s. These pages are part of a larger book containing text from other authors.
LS88 - Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1888 , 1888. 350 pp. This publication includes chapters written by Ellen White regarding her early life and work. The autobiographical portion chronicles the progress of the Advent movement in the 1840s and 1850s. These pages are part of a larger book containing text from other authors.
LHU - Lift Him Up , 1988. 379 pp. Devotional book for 1989.
MC - Manual for Canvassers , 1902. 78 pp. The first of Mrs. White's compilations on the colporteur work, Manual for Canvassers touches on topics such as the importance of the publishing work, the qualifications of the workers, and practical guidance in the carrying out of literature distribution. This publication's material was reprinted in both Colporteur Evangelist and Colporteur Ministry.
Mar - Maranatha , 1976. 373 pp. Devotional book for 1977.
MM - Medical Ministry , 1932. 335 pp. Instruction for Christian physicians and SDA medical institutions.
MYP - Messages to Young People , 1930. 466 pp. Selections to aid the youth in practical Christian living.
1MCP - Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1 , 1977. 369 pp. A wide range of counsel on such topics as the Christian and psychology, self-respect, and human sexuality.
2MCP - Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2 , 1977. 440 pp. Additional counsel on the relationship between body and mind, dangerous systems of therapy, and healthy personalities.
MH - The Ministry of Healing , 1905. 516 pp. Instruction on the principles of healthful living, natural remedies, the care of the sick, positive Christian living, and ministering to others.
MTC - Ministry to the Cities , 2012. 195 pp. This volume is a call to action-a plea for believers to work for their Savior by bringing the gospel to the millions of people in the cities of the world. Topics include the challenges of ministering in the city, strategies, methods, selecting and training workers, and lessons from Scripture.
ML - My Life Today , 1952. 369 pp. Devotional book for 1953.
NL - A New Life (Revival and Beyond) , 1972. 64 pp. What does true conversion mean? And how can I continue growing in grace “unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ”? A New Life focuses on the revival and reformation process, answering questions about the theme. The text is drawn from various articles, and compiled into a small handbook.
OFC - Our Father Cares , 1991. 343 pp. The Father's love for humanity provides an endless theme for contemplation and study. This vital topic unfolds on every page of Our Father Cares. From the great sacrifice of giving His Son, to the calling we have as His children on earth, the study of His love for us personally will encourage and guide us on our upward journey.
OHC - Our High Calling , 1961. 371 pp. Devotional book for 1962.
PaM - Pastoral Ministry , 1995. 287 pp. From the rich treasury of Ellen White's writings, the compilers of this book have brought together a selection of inspired counsels that apply most directly to the life and work of the local church pastor. Members of the General Conference Ministerial Association in conjunction with The White Estate are pleased to make this compilation available. Here the local pastor will find instruction on the work of ministry, relationships, evangelism and church growth, lay training, worship and special services, pastoral care and nurture, organization and administration. An invaluable resource for every Adventist pastor.
PP - Patriarchs and Prophets , 1890. 764 pp. Lessons from the Old Testament story beginning with Genesis and the creation to the close of David's reign.
PCP - Peter's Counsel to Parents , 1981. 62 pp. Lessons drawn from 2 Peter 1 relating to the challenges of parenting.
Pr - Prayer , 2002. 320 pp. Topically arranged instruction on prayer.
PK - Prophets and Kings , 1917. 733 pp. Lessons from the Old Testament beginning with life of Solomon to the last prophetic book.
PM - The Publishing Ministry , 1983. 404 pp. Section titles include "Early History of the Publishing Work", "Perils Facing Publishing-House Leaders", "Counsels for Marketing Church Literature" etc.
RRe - Radiant Religion , 1946. 367 pp.
RC - Reflecting Christ , 1985. 379 pp. Devotional book for 1986.
RY - The Retirement Years , 1990. 224 pp. A practical source of guidance to people of retirement years gleaned from letters, manuscripts, books, and periodical articles.
SL - The Sanctified Life , 1889. 96 pp. Articles originally published in the Review and Herald in 1881, and Christian living.
1SM - Selected Messages Book 1 , 1958. 416 pp. Instruction on a variety of subjects, including the inspiration of the prophetic writers, revival and reformation, the Alpha and the Omega, Christ our righteousness etc.
2SM - Selected Messages Book 2 , 1958. 488 pp. Instruction on such topics as false prophets, secret societies, assurance to those facing death, the use of drugs, the military question, the future of the church etc.
3SM - Selected Messages Book 3 , 1980. 465 pp. Includes instruction on how Ellen White's books were prepared, the proper age of school entrance, the dateline, the 1888 Minneapolis General Conference, and last day events.
1BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 1 (EGW) , 1953. 1120 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 1 covers Genesis to Deuteronomy.
2BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 2 (EGW) , 1953. 1040 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 2 covers Joshua to 2 Kings.
3BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 3 (EGW) , 1954. 1166 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 3 covers 1 Chronicles to Ecclesiastes.
4BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 4 (EGW) , 1955. 1184 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 4 covers Isaiah to Malachi.
5BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 5 (EGW) , 1956. 1152 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 5 covers Matthew to John.
6BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6 (EGW) , 1956. 1120 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 6 covers Acts to Ephesians.
7BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7 (EGW) , 1957. 990 pp. This book is part of a 9-volume set that includes seven volumes of The SDA Bible Commentary, the SDA Bible Dictionary and a special supplement to the Commentary, volume 7-A which contains pertinent Ellen G. White comments. Included in this publication are the portions of text written by Ellen White. Volume 7 covers Philippians to Revelation.
7ABC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7A (EGW) , 1970. 488 pp. This volume includes all the Ellen White quotations included as supplementary material in the seven volumes of the S.D.A. Bible Commentary, plus the Ellen White statements in Questions on Doctrine on Christ's nature, the Trinity, and the Atonement.
ExV - A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White , 1851. 64 pp. Published by James White, in 1851, this publication embodies a brief autobiographical sketch and visions given to Ellen White, many of which appeared earlier in various periodicals. This text was later reprinted and included in Early Writings.
LP - Sketches from the Life of Paul , 1883. 334 pp. From "Saul the Persecutor" to "Martyrdom of Paul and Peter".
SA - A Solemn Appeal , 1870. 181 pp. This publication includes seven chapters of the original multi-author publication, A Solemn Appeal Relative to Solitary Vice and Abuses and Excesses of the Marriage Relation, compiled by James White. These portions of text by Ellen White are also presented—even more comprehensively —in The Adventist Home, Section V, and Child Guidance, Section XVI.
SD - Sons and Daughters of God , 1955. 372 pp. The 1956 devotional book.
SWk - The Southern Work , 1901. 96 pp. Nine articles published in the Review and Herald in 1895 and 1896, plus excerpts from Ellen White letters, originally published to stir the church to fulfill its mission in reaching the former slaves living in the southern United States.
SpTEd - Special Testimonies On Education , 1897. 240 pp. Special Testimonies on Education brings together many previously unpublished letters and manuscripts written to parents, teachers, and school workers. Counsel is given on every facet of child guidance—from practical work and academics, to character growth and spirituality. As this publication proves, education entails much more than just a classroom lesson.
1SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1 , 1870. 414 pp. The Old Testament story from the fall of Satan and creation to the time of Solomon. Later expanded as Patriarchs and Prophets.
2SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 2 , 1877. 396 pp. The life of Christ from His birth to the beginning of Passion Week. Later expanded as The Desire of Ages.
3SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3 , 1878. 442 pp. The life of Christ from the beginning of Passion Week to His ascension. Also the history of the church recorded in Acts 1-17. Later expanded as The Desire of Ages and Acts of the Apostles.
4SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4 , 1884. 506 pp. The controversy between Christ and Satan from the destruction of Jerusalem to the close of the millennium. Later expanded as The Great Controversy.
1SG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1 , 1858. 219 pp. Volume 1 is Ellen White's first account of the great controversy story, from the fall of Satan to the close of the millennium.
2SG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2 , 1860. 304 pp. Volume 2 is Ellen White' s autobiography to the year 1860.
3SG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3 , 1864. 304 pp. Volume 3 is the Old Testament narrative from Genesis 1 to Exodus 20.
4aSG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4a , 1864. 156 pp. Volume 4a covers the period from Sinai to Solomon and has an account of Ellen White's first health vision.
4bSG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4b , 1864. 160 pp. Volume 4b contains her first ten testimonies, now all published in Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1.
SC - Steps to Christ , 1892. 126 pp. Ellen White's classic on the provisions of salvation and practical Christian living.
SJ - The Story of Jesus , 1900. 186 pp. An “adaptation” of materials prepared for The Desire of Ages as they came from the pen of Ellen G. White, presenting the high points of the story of Jesus in a vocabulary suitable for children.
SR - The Story of Redemption , 1947. 433 pp. The great controversy story from the fall of Lucifer to the close of the millennium, compiled into one volume. Drawn from Spirit of Prophecy, Vols. I, III, and IV, Early Writings, and one periodical article.
ExV54 - Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White , 1854. 48 pp. This publication presents an explanation of some misunderstood phrases in Experience and Views and certain further counsels, some of which had appeared in The Review and Herald. Reprinted in 1882 with Experience and Views and included in Early Writings.
Te - Temperance , 1949. 292 pp. Section titles are "The Philosophy of Intemperance", "Alcohol and Society", "Tobacco", "Rehabilitating the Intemperate" etc.
1T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1 , 1868. 718 pp. Counsel from Ellen White containing spiritual guidance of a general nature and covering a wide variety of situations-including many letters written personally to members of the church. Volume 1 comprises Testimonies Numbers 1-14, written from 1855 to 1868, and a 100-page biographical sketch of the author.
2T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2 , 1871. 712 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 15-20, written from 1868 to 1871.
3T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3 , 1875. 575 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 21-25, written from 1872 to 1875.
4T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4 , 1881. 657 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 26-30, written from 1876 to 1881.
5T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5 , 1889. 754 pp. Comprises Testimonies Numbers 31, 32, and 33, originally published in 1882, 1885, and 1889.
6T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6 , 1901. 482 pp. Designated Testimony Number 34.
7T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7 , 1902. 298 pp. Designated Testimony Number 35. Includes a major section on the publishing work.
8T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8 , 1904. 335 pp. Designated Testimony Number 36. Published to meet the false teachings of pantheism.
9T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9 , 1909. 288 pp. Designated Testimony Number 37.
TSS - Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work , 1900. 122 pp. These selections from Ellen White's Sabbath School Worker articles are chronologically arranged and supplemented with selections from the Testimonies. Counsel is given on nearly every aspect of the Sabbath-school work, giving guidance on didactic methods, as well as setting out the practical and character qualifications of teachers and their helpers.
TSB - Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce , 1989. 270 pp. Prepared especially for church administrators and other ministers who must deal with questionable or immoral conduct.
TM - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers , 1923. 535 pp. Counsels initially published in pamphlets and periodical articles, particularly Special Testimonies, Series A (1892-1897) and Special Testimonies, Series B (1903-1913).
TSA - Testimonies to Southern Africa , 1977. 98 pp. As part of her deep interest in the African field, Ellen White corresponded with several missionaries, leaders, and believers in the continent. This collection of her letters contains counsel—both spiritual and practical—for the work in foreign lands. But these truths are just as applicable to us as well—no matter what our location or calling.
TSDF - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods , 1926. 199 pp. A comprehensive handbook to health and diet reform as set forth in the Spirit of Prophecy, this volume is a compilation from many previously published sources. The chapters of this publication are listed topically in alphabetical order, and cover many common themes related to diet and health.
1TT - Testimony Treasures, vol. 1 , 1949. 605 pp. This series contains approximately one third of the content of the Testimonies, presenting the essential counsels for the world field without the repetition of subject matter that was inevitable in the nine-volume Testimonies issued over a fifty-five year period. The articles arranged in their natural chronological order present the counsels within easy reading compass. Also included are a few articles of world-wide interest from other sources, such as counsel on attendance at public school on the Sabbath. This series is designed for wider use in simple Testimony reading, especially by new believers.
2TT - Testimony Treasures, vol. 2 , 1949. 575 pp. This series contains approximately one third of the content of the Testimonies, presenting the essential counsels for the world field without the repetition of subject matter that was inevitable in the nine-volume Testimonies issued over a fifty-five year period. The articles arranged in their natural chronological order present the counsels within easy reading compass. Also included are a few articles of world-wide interest from other sources, such as counsel on attendance at public school on the Sabbath. This series is designed for wider use in simple Testimony reading, especially by new believers.
3TT - Testimony Treasures, vol. 3 , 1949. 591 pp. This series contains approximately one third of the content of the Testimonies, presenting the essential counsels for the world field without the repetition of subject matter that was inevitable in the nine-volume Testimonies issued over a fifty-five year period. The articles arranged in their natural chronological order present the counsels within easy reading compass. Also included are a few articles of world-wide interest from other sources, such as counsel on attendance at public school on the Sabbath. This series is designed for wider use in simple Testimony reading, especially by new believers.
TMK - That I May Know Him , 1964. 371 pp. The 1965 devotional book.
TDG - This Day With God , 1979. 374 pp. The 1980 devotional book.
MB - Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing , 1896. 152 pp. Lessons Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount.
BLJ - To Be Like Jesus , 2004. 383 pp. Devotional Book for 2005.
TR - True Revival , 2010. 96 pp. This volume collects Ellen White's most important writings on revival. She helps us distinguish between true and false revival, and talks about how revival reveals itself in our Christian walk.
TA - The Truth About Angels , 1996. 302 pp. A compilation of Ellen White statements according to the Biblical sequence of events revealing angelic activity.
UL - The Upward Look , 1982. 379 pp. The 1983 devotional book.
VSS - The Voice in Speech and Song , 1988. 469 pp. Topics include effective methods of public speaking and singing as a part of worship.
WM - Welfare Ministry , 1952. 340 pp. A handbook on neighborhood evangelism and practical Christian ministry in behalf of the unfortunate.
WLF - A Word to the Little Flock , 1847. 20 pp. This short publication is an excerpt from a slightly larger work by the same name, which was published in 1847. The original book also contained articles by James White and Joseph Bates. In this selected Ellen White material, important visions and views are related regarding the Adventist experience and future events.
YRP - Ye Shall Receive Power , 1995. 374 pp. Devotional book for 1996.

Faith is called into exercise by good works, and courage and hope are in accordance with working faith. - 2SP 66

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