How To Write A Love Letter And 6 Love Letter Examples

woman writing, how to write a love letter

When was the last time you wrote a love letter to your spouse or partner?

I'm hearing crickets out there. A blank silence.

If you can't remember the last love letter you wrote, or if you've never hand-written a love letter (with an actual pen and paper), it's not surprising.

In this era of instant communication, an old-fashioned love letter might seem archaic and inefficient.

Why cramp your fingers writing a letter when you can strengthen your thumbs with a quick text? “ILY, babe. UR awesome. (Heart emoji, smiling cat face emoji).”

Nothing expresses your heartfelt devotion like an electronic message, right?

Sarcasm aside, writing a love letter to your beloved the old-fashioned way — with a pen, in longhand, on a piece of stationery — is one of the most loving gestures you can offer.

What you will learn: