Police officer performance evaluation samples


The Law Enforcement Evaluation Digital Manual Takes The Work Out Of Writing Performance Evaluations. Write performance evaluations the easy way. You assess employee performance and the Manual suggests clear, articulate descriptions of the performance results. Write Perfect Evaluations In 1/3 The Time

"If It Were Any Easier The Evaluations Would Write Themselves."

Law Enforcement Evaluation Digital Manual!

Police Supervisors And FTOs: Now You Can Eliminate Hours And Hours Of Difficult Paper Work Every Year!

Dear Friend and Evaluator:

We are going to reveal to you a very easy way to write top quality performance evaluations.

We are well aware of how DIFFICULT and time consuming writing evaluations can be.

New FTOs, newly appointed sergeants and many supervisors have difficulty writing GOOD evaluation. They can motivate their people, know what to do at a tactical situation, how to handle violent prisoners and the proper procedures for search warrants. But when it come to writing evaluation, they're lost.

Why is it so difficult? The difficulty is the result of several factors, including but not limited to:

* Getting started, trying to come up with the right ideas or the right things to say about a particular employee. (While being fair and accurate and knowing what standards to base your assessments on.)

* Meeting evaluation DEADLINES: (While at the same time taking care of other supervisory and FTO duties. For instance, the paper work that keeps piling up and never seems to go away).

* After finally getting started, you stop because you run out of ideas and become frustrated trying to think of WHAT TO WRITE next. What correct words or phrases to use to get your point across.

* Trying to avoid sounding generic like: Officer shows good enthusiasm, is neat in appearance and punctual in attendance. (Face it this type of evaluation is meaningless and ineffective and a WASTE OF TIME and paper.)

Do you experience any of these problems when writing your evaluations? Are you spending TOO MUCH TIME writing evaluations? (How many hours a year do you spend writing evaluations?)

If your experiencing any of these problems, you are not alone. These are common problems associated with writing employee evaluations.

Take a little time to read this and you will learn about an amazingly easy way to write excellent evaluations. While at the same time eliminating NEEDLESS hours and hours of dreaded paper work each year.

Our company, CFI Research produced the Law Enforcement Performance Evaluation Digital Manual, for the purpose of making the job of those who write evaluations much easier.

The manual contains over 1000 bullet phrases that describe every performance trait or characteristic imaginable in a highly articulate and tactful manner. All just a click of your mouse away. The bullet phrases are broken down into various major law enforcement type categories, such as decision making, judgment, problem solving, report writing, reliability and on and on.

When writing your evaluations you simply copy the phrases that fit a particular employee into your evaluation. This is a very SIMPLE, time saving way to write evaluations. You never have to worry about spelling, grammar or contents.

Also for higher ranking supervisors there are special categories such as supervision and management, delegating, evaluating ability, planning and organizing etc.

The performance phrases found listed under the categories can easily be plugged into your evaluations. These phrases were carefully constructed to have a POSITIVE IMPACT and accurately describe employee performance. The employee will know exactly what areas need improvement, leaving no doubts. (No more generic evaluations.)

There are actual examples of evaluations in the manual that shows you how to TACTFULLY critique performance. Your evaluations will inspire cooperation and compliance

Sample bullet phrases - listed under the category of Officer Safety:

- utilizes good officer safety techniques while in the cover role
- able to foresee potentially dangerous situations
- tactically plans prior to call or exit of vehicle

Sample bullet phrases - listed under the category of Reliability:

- fulfills all commitments
- effectively follows up assignments
- meets responsibilities promptly

Sample bullet phrases - listed under the category of Decision Making:

- unusually decisive in handling difficult problems
- makes sound decisions under pressure situations

Sample bullet phrases - listed under the category of Knowledge:

- understands the needs and requirements of the job
- keeps alert to current practices and procedures

Example of these phrases used in an evaluation:

Officer Smith fulfills all of his commitments. He effectively follows up his assignments and promptly meets all of his responsibilities.

Officer Smith is unusually decisive in handling difficult problems and makes sound decisions under pressure.

Officer Smith should make an effort to better understand the needs and requirements of the job and keep more alert to current practices and procedures.

With over 1000 of these phrases right at your fingertips, no longer will you have to figure out what to say on your evaluations. Eliminating hours and hours of wasted time. Simple directions will clearly and simply explain how to use the manual.

The manual will jump start your evaluation writing. Ideas on what to write will come to you instantly as you look through the categories.

With this manual you will be able to easily plug in one of the phrases or several of the phrases into your evaluations. You'll be able to PINPOINT exactly a performance characteristic or trait. No more hesitation. This will enable you to spend MUCH LESS TIME and effort completing your evaluations.

Why do we consider this manual better than the others?

Because it has so much more performance categories and descriptive phrases than the other manuals or books made for his purpose. This manual contains over 1000 descriptive phrases. Other manuals made for evaluations usually contain 100, 200, or maybe 300 phrases that are basic or general descriptions of performance. After using those manuals your evaluations start to run together, looking and sounding the same.

With this manual you will always have assessment ideas for each employee because you have so many descriptive phrases to choose from. You will be able to pinpoint exact performance.

There are other good evaluation programs offered on the internet. But those programs are made for general management employee appraisals. The LE Evaluation manual is totally focused on law enforcement performance.

What this manual will not do is assess employee performance. That is still the job of the evaluator. What the manual does is stimulate assessment ideas. By paging through the manual and seeing the various categories it will give you performance ideas and concepts to write your evaluation. You simply copy the phrases.

Another very important benefit of this manual is that it gives you excellent examples of performance standards that will help you set employee goals. Their goals and objectives will be crystal clear.

Bottom line, the manual will vastly lessen the time you spend writing evaluations, make it easier to write evaluations and considerably improve the quality of your evaluations.

The manual was put on display at the National Association of Field Training Officers (NAFTO) convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where it proved to be a popular item. Not only was it purchased by FTOs and supervisors but one police department ordered a manual for each one of its command staff members.

The manual is presently being used by police departments, police supervisors, police officers and FTOs across the US, Canada, S America, S Africa, Great Briton and Finland

Lets take a look at the Manual Benefits:

Quality - Enables you to write highly articulate, top quality evaluations that specifically reflects employees performance. Your evals will have a positive and powerful impact on employee performance. Your evaluation will direct employees toward high performance standards. The Manual helps you reinforce the positive aspects of your employee's performance and offer constructive criticism. You'll be able to deal with difficult appraisals with professionalism and sensitivity.

Time Saving - The manual will greatly reduce the time you spend on writing evaluations. No more wasted time searching for the right ideas or correct words or phrases to use in your evaluations. It tells you exactly what to say on your evaluation. It frees you up to do other important tasks. Write performance evaluation in 10 to 15 minutes that normally take you 45 minutes to an hour.

Easy to Use - The directions are clear and simple, almost self explanatory. The Manual takes the work out of writing evaluations. (Total convenience.) Writing evaluations is now as easy as point and click, copy and paste. It's easier and faster than ever before.

R.O. I. Return on Investment - What is it worth to you to save hours and hours of added work and headaches year after year through the entire duration of your career, while considerable improving the quality of your work at the same time? $100, $200 or even $300.

The price of the ultimate Law Enforcement Performance Evaluation Digital Manual is only $49.

This is an excellent value vs the benefits that you will receive over the duration of your entire career. The hours and hours of time you will be saving while improving the quality of your work.


How much is just one of your valuable hours worth? When you take all the benefits into consideration your return on the investment is excellent. The manual is less than most college text books.

The information in this manual is HARD to find. You could spend a couple of your extremely valuable off days researching this info at your local library and still not come close to finding it. Or you could order the manual and at evaluation time pull it out and breeze through, writing the best APPRAISALS you have ever written.

The type of people we expect to order the Law Enforcement Performance Evaluation Manual are those who understand the concept of benefits vs cost. People who can see that a one time investment of $49.00 for the manual equals an easier job and much less time spent writing higher quality performance evaluations for the duration of their career.

If you order now you will be able to start using the manual on your next evaluation. You will be able to gain valuable down time. Down time is something that everybody in your profession needs to re-group and to help eliminate job stress. The kind of STRESS that builds up when deadlines are closing in and you have a back log of paper work PILING up but you cant get at it because your being sent to one assignment after another.


We absolutely guarantee that you will write evaluations easier and faster. If you're not completely satisfied with the manual, simply let us know within 30 days and we will refund your money with no questions asked. So there is no good reason for not ordering. The risk is very low and the benefits are very high.

The manual is the only guide you will need to write quality evaluations. You'll always know exactly what to write on your evaluation and save hours of your valuable time.

Law Enforcement Evaluation Digital Manual $49

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Special Price:

Get The Law Enforcement Evaluation Digital Manual For ONLY


To give you added incentive to order the Ultimate Law Enforcement Performance Evaluation Manual now, were going to give you a special offer.

If you order the digital manual within 20 days we will give you the Manual for the special price of only $37.00.

Thanks from CFI Research Company.

P.S. Order the Ultimate Law Enforcement Performance Evaluation Manual now and you will see how easy it is to write good evaluations and save hours and hours of paperwork every year. Plus if you order now you will be able to take advantage of our additional special offer.

You will be able to download the Digital Manual to your hard drive after ordering.


Minimum System Requirements?
The Digital Manual has been designed to run under Windows & MAC

Please email us if you have any questions at support@cfiweb.com